Monday, January 16, 2012

Antiquity Challenge

To help me learn Photoshop CS5, my sister Sharon challenged me to produce a piece that included "antiquity" images that each of us chose and then used with a background of our own making. I welcomed the challenge in order to learn some new techniques, and I thought I welcomed the theme because I have used antiquities many times in my art (mostly in soulcollage). Interestingly, she and I independently chose images from Central American cultures. Since I wanted to use my own photo graphs for backgrounds, culling through years of my pictures of trips through Mexico, Honduras and Turkey was overwhelming. But I learned a lot about blending modes and adjustment layers. After spending way too many hours struggling with it, I finally decided to call it done so I could move on to my next project. Thanks, Sharon, it was fun!


Sharon Sahl said...

That little piece of calendar(?) really does work!! I'm super impressed with what you've done. I hope we get to try this again soon!

Dieverdog said...

This is really neat, Kate. I love it - it's like a little ruin in the forest that one might stumble upon after a long walk in the jungle. I'd love to hear about your many interesting travels one day... you've been so many wonderful places! You must have loads of cool pictures to draw from!