Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm the one who wants to get away sometimes

This is a soulcollage I've been thinking about for awhile. As soon as I saw her I knew that she had to be in this collage. But her background has undergone many transformations. Her spacesuit was white originally, but I wanted it purple. To get it that way I used pencils, but they gave a mottled look. Finally I used ink with a Qtip; wish I 'd done that to begin with.


Sharon Sahl said...

Hey Kate,
The color work on the spacesuit looks very good; I would not have noticed you had done anything. Also, the woman has some Katelike attibutes. Good job - maybe I'll download it for my purple book!

Dieverdog said...

I love this... but then I love purple! I also want to get away sometimes... that Piscean dreamer in me! I see you got Capricorn in there... I love zodiac references. I like the texture of her spacesuit... nifty!