Sunday, November 4, 2012

Barely contained crazy

I finally finished my quilt-as-you-go contained crazy quilt.  I've been working on it for 3 years and decided that I either had to finish it or throw it away since I wan't going to move the pieces with me to the new house.  Part of the stumbling block, so to speak, was that I was throroughly sick of the squares and was NOT going to make more.  Since it wasn't big enough, I had to decide what the border would be and then figure out how to put the whole thing together.  Once I knuckled down and started sewing it together, it went better than expected.  But I kept running out of thread!  Each seam was zigzagged and then covered with seam binding that had to be sewn on both sides.  The thrill of finishing it was enhanced by actually liking how it turned out.  There were only a few pieces of fabric that I liked - they were leftovers, Bill's old shirts and pieces chosen by virtue of being blue, green or brown, - and I didn't like most of the squares individually.  But when put together it's really something to look at.


Sharon Sahl said...

I think there's a lesson for both of us here!It's beautiful even when the parts didn't please you so much. I'll bet you're still feeling relieved it's done!

Sharon Sahl said...

This is to see if you're getting comments here or if you really don't exist in the virtual world (or maybe, you virtually don't exist in the real world).